Solstice means “sun stands still,” as at the darkest time of the year the pulse of life stops for a timeless moment, before the light can return and renew the energy of the earth. Traditional cultures around the world imagined that humans played a role in bringing the light back from the darkness. The rebirth of the sun reflects a potential awakening of the heart and soul of each person. When the light of the soul grows within us, it also contributes light to the world.

In the midst of all the anxieties and pressures of modern life, it is a sense of timelessness and sacredness that is most needed. In facing the darkness together we can find and touch the divine spark of life as each soul connects through prayer and song to the living earth.


In facing the darkness together we rekindle the divine spark of life in each of our souls and we connect through song and prayer to the living heart of the Earth.
— Michael Meade